Charlotte Mukundwa

Charlotte Mukundwa

Charlotte is three years old. She was born to a single mother and lives in a very humble home with her grandparents. Her mother is a member of Raise Hope Single Mothers Group, an initiative supported by Kageno to help single mothers break the cycle of poverty through education and job training.

Charlotte’s family receives ongoing training from Kageno in nutrition and vegetable garden management.

Charlotte is enrolled in Kageno’s Nursery School where she receives a pre-primary education and two meals each school day. She has fun on the swings, and enjoys playing with toys and imitating mothers in the community by carrying baby toys on her back.

Your donation is combined with other sponsors to ensure that the children of Banda Village have a meal when they come to school. Your donation also supports the education received by students within the Kageno school – supporting teachers’ salaries, school supplies, the maintenance of the school rooms, and all that is needed so children can focus on learning and parents and guardians know they are giving their children a good start.

Samantha Harris