where we work

RWANDA est. 2007


banda village, rwanda

In 2007, we expanded Kageno’s efforts to neighboring Rwanda and implemented our model in Banda Village. Located in Southwest Rwanda, adjacent to the Nyungwe Forest National Park, Banda village is home to more than 11,000 people. Nyungwe Forest is in the largest mid-altitude forest block in Africa. 70% of Rwandans rely on the Nyungwe Forest watershed for their clean water consumption.

When we arrived in Banda Village, they had no access to clean drinking water, nutritional food, healthcare, or sustainable income-generating jobs. 90% of the population was engaged in subsistence farming. Their community was still coping with the after-effects of the 1994 Genocide, that killed nearly 1 million Rwandans leaving the country with food insecurity and many orphaned children. We saw immediately how our model could help bring hope and prosperity and got to work.

We support Volun-tourism and Eco-tourism. We encourage anyone who wants to volunteer their time with us to reach out. We also recognize the adventurous travelers among us, with Banda Village situated in a forest that’s home to unique bird species, fauna and flora, primates, and other species it’s a prime destination for those seeking to give back while exploring new places. We see ecotourism as a viable income-generating opportunity for the villagers to introduce people to their beautiful country while also protecting the unique biodiversity of the park. Learn more about ways to volunteer on our donate page.