Ange Mukiza

Ange Mukiza

Three-year-old Ange and her two siblings are part of a very poor family. Like her siblings, Ange fell into malnutrition and was admitted into Kageno’s Malnourished Feeding Program. There she received nutritionally enriched meals.

Ange attends Kageno Nursery School where she receives a pre-primary education and school meals. She is a calm but very playful girl who likes to pretend to read books aloud to her classmates.

Your donation is combined with other sponsors to ensure that the children of Banda Village have a meal when they come to school. Your donation also supports the education received by students within the Kageno school – supporting teachers’ salaries, school supplies, the maintenance of the school rooms, and all that is needed so children can focus on learning and parents and guardians know they are giving their children a good start.

Samantha Harris