Nick Aaron Byishimo

Nick Aaron Byishimo

Three-year-old Nick was born into a home with few resources. Nick was enrolled in Kageno’s Malnourished Feeding Program when he was an infant. His family was given uncooked Sosoma and other ingredients to feed Nick on the days he could not attend Kageno’s community kitchen.

His family was also trained in nutrition and vegetable garden management. With this care and supervision, Nick graduated from the Malnourished Feeding Program in 11 months.

Nick has some speech problems. It is hoped that through his enrollment in Kageno’s Nursery School, where he receives a pre-primary education, two complete meals daily, and interacts with other kids, his speech will improve.

While at school, Nick enjoys playing with toys and socializing with his classmates.

Your donation is combined with other sponsors to ensure that the children of Banda Village have a meal when they come to school. Your donation also supports the education received by students within the Kageno school – supporting teachers’ salaries, school supplies, the maintenance of the school rooms, and all that is needed so children can focus on learning and parents and guardians know they are giving their children a good start.

Samantha Harris